6 inch Zucchini Spice Pillar

This mottled pillar captures the scent of warm Zucchini bread baking in the oven. The second note of cinnamon makes it a keeper! Orange caramel in color.
SKU: Zucchini_Spice_6
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  • 6 inch Zucchini Spice Pillar - Reviews

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    Cozy feelings





    I really like this candle! The initial scent is warm with cinnamon, but with the base notes of salt and warm dough. Unlit, the scent is noticable when you walk into the room. I am so excited to burn this candle in the next season! Full Moon Candle packaged this candle with care and consideration, including a complementary votive, instructions for candle care, and a set of matches. Great service and products!

    Featherhat - Seattle, WA
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